Here's the scoop....the new Lady that would like to be my FOREVER LADY, sent Fluffy Dog Rescue an email to ME...yes, that's right, she addressed it to Delilah the Gypsy, and that's ME!
She said she would really like ME to come and live with HER and her Man, her Beardie Boy, her Kitten and her Two Sister Cats....coooool. I love cats, they are fun to herd when you are outside, but no herding in the's a rule. Jeez Louise I might get to have a Lady, a Man, sister Cats and a Beardie Big Brother...dig it!
Then our leader Lori asked a very nice lady to go and visit this very cool family, you know to check them out. So she did and the nice lady really liked the very cool family! She told Lori that they're EXCITED to meet MEEEEE! So now we are just watching our email, every five minutes, to see if we have an email from the new Lady to come and meet ME and maybe, just maybe take me to my FOREVER HOME.......
So guys and girls keep your fingers and paws crossed...send happy hopeful messages to the Doggie Gods and Goddess so that....maybe even for Christmas.......I will have my VERY OWN HOME!
This is me very happy and hope-filled!