Friday we went to the PARK OF THE DOGS and we meet some really great people and so very interesting dogs.........
First Mollie met Stray.......
Then Gypsy met Stray and Charlie.....
Gypsy begins to thin the herd......
She finds her mark........
She checks him out.....
She makes her move......
Jake thinks he'll play.......
But it's Gypsy and Stray's Game........
And the Race is on.............
This game went on for over an hour.....
Stray was found by his Lady in their neighborhood, no tags, hungry and lonely. They put up flyers, the had him scanned for a chip, but nothing....that was two years ago. I think he is really a lucky guy, he found his home with a family that loves him.
He was just the right hike mate for Gyps, they played Rawhide, wow I'm showing my age...for those of you too young to know, that was a TV show with Clint Eastwood, he was a cowboy and they were always herding cattle and being chased by bad guys...anyway Stray and Gyps had fun playing their own version of a herding / chase game. Mollie, Jake and Charlie enjoyed their hike together as well and I really had a relaxing time talking and walking with Stray & Charlie's Lady, all and all it was a great day.
On the way home I got a few more shots...........
I love this shot of Gyps, just look at those golden eyes
I shot this one using my rear-view mirror reflecting the camera viewer. I am either getting really good at this or one of these days you will hear about an accident caused by some crazy woman taking pictures of dogs while driving...........
On Saturday we went back to the PARK OF THE DOGS,
Friday had been such a great day we thought we would try it again.
Come on Lady lets get this party started!
The guy right in front of Jake looks just like the Doodle on the Fluffy Dog Rescue Poster!
Wish I got a better shot of him, but I just couldn't believe it.
This guy is so handsome and athletic and he's only 18 months old can you believe it
Mollie fell in love, she must like the tall ones!
Gypsy made a friend, she likes the short ones
Just look at the blue sky...wish they would stay
It's a meet and greet
Love and companionship is everywhere, all you have to do is look!
and Mollie Maie brought up the rear
Take the days as they come and enjoy each for what it brings
The Lady