This is what Tucker is all about...."I'm handsome, I want things my way, not your way, so there, what are you going to do about it." TEST TEST TEST.....
He is really a good dog on so many levels, but damn he is stubborn and somewhere along the way he has learned that Elvis lip and showing some teeth will back you right off.....But not me.....sometimes I'm using a stern voice...."Knock it off"......sometimes a time outs in the crate.......sometimes I just ignore him.....but getting into it with him is just not an option......he has had a bad experience with force do growl at me I will hold your snout shut.....who the hell's idea was that! If you try to powerhouse me...I'll get in your face and I'm a human, I understand words, body language and so does everything with him needs to be calm, up beat and positive. That has always been my approach with dogs.......I have spoken with Bridget the behaviorist with Fluffy Dog and she has been wonderful....she has keep me going.... reassuring me.......but if any of you has some additional advice we would really appreciate..........This guy is great and he's a baby....only 9 months come on dog army send me energy, stories and things to try....he is 95.5% of the way to being a wonderful Fluffy Dog lets take him all the way!
He sure is a beauty.....
I had to share this one too....I was working on the computer....looked out the window...and this is what I saw
Read the post below about Gypsy if you get a minute....boy of boy talk about two different personalities Gypsy and Tuck are like night and day....guess who is the dark night and who is the day light faerie...
The Lady