Today was the first real snowfall in wonderful Wonder Lake. Throughout the day Mollie and Jake ran in and out just waiting for some real accumulation in the yard. Gypsy on the other hand ran out only to do her thing, then actually batted at the back door to come in! At around 8:00 PM the snow had really started to get white, fluffy and cold.........
"Lady.....seriously Lady come on man,
can we please go outside again,
like Mollie and I really want to play in the
totally new fallen awesome snow"
"Cool yeah come this way, the door is this way Lady,
it's snowing and great out...
no really it's fine the door is this way, are you coming?"
Mollie added
"Gypsy would you like to go outside?" asked the Lady
Gypsy opened one eye and replied
"Have you lost your mind?
I have no intention of moving off of this warm comfortable sofa
to run around in that white stuff"
The Lady went out and shoveled the driveway, the sidewalks and the deck while Mollie and Jake romped around the backyard. They barked at the dogs that live next door, they dug in the snow, they rolled in the snow and they even slept in the snow. The whole time Gyps lounged on the sofa, watching the Biggest Loser thoroughly enjoying cuddling with the cats.
Jake was very upset
"Man I can't believe she is making us come in"
"I know, the first snow and she is all freaked out
just because she got cold shoveling the driveway.
It's not like she has anywhere to go tonight.
Bet you 10 cookies she is gonna make us
go in the crates to dry off,
sometimes the Lady is such a buzz kill"
Mollie added with complete exasperation
"Why did I have to come in,
we have only been out for an hour,
it is not that cold, come on Lady it's just dark
and the snow flakes are getting really big"
Mollie complained
while Jake cried
"Dude, pleazzzze I'm not that wet,
don't make me hang in my crate,
like it is sooo totally boring"
"Ha ha ha, I stayed in so I'm warm, dry and have absolutely nothing to complain about!"
Gypsy said extremely pleased with herself!
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