We, The Lady, Molls, Jake and all the Cats are about to embark on a new foster adventure....
Her name is Dreamer and we can't wait to Dream a little Dream, we're hoping Friday will be the day for a Daydream, cause we're all Daydream Believers in a California Dreamin' kind of way, remember In Dreams anything is possible and that is very true in fostering too, all you have to do is Dream!
Jake said "Dudes like man she sure is pretty"
Molls added "She looks kind of scared, we need to help her, cause she's lost and needs to find her forever family!"
We don't know too much about her, but we are going to call Ohio tomorrow and talk to the nice folks that have her and try to find out some more....All I can tell you right now is that she is a very pretty Doodle of one kind or an other...and her eyes look so soft and kind...I agree with Molls she looks lost and scared and we are ready to help her out!
So you hang in there Dream Girl....we're ready to get you up here and get that tail a waggin!
We are hoping she will be here on Friday, so keep your fingers crossed
The Lady
Have you heard when she is coming??