Please allow me to introduce myself......I am Delilah, but at home they call me Gypsy....because that is what I am a Bearded Collie that currently looks like a Whippet...I just arrived on the first leg of my gypsy journey!
Now I find myself in a wonderful new place, I can sleep on the sofa, I have cat and dog friends. I get great food and lots and lots of love.
Here I am with my new friend Cat what a great guy. We are on a walk to the end of the driveway so the Lady can take our picture...this was fun!
The Lady is always snapping pictures to show all of you great people how I look today and what I will look like when I have my extreme dog makeover......what a warm bed, good food and letting my hair grow back will do!
If they could see me now
that little gang of mine
Totally crashed out on a very warm sofa
inside a house
with my new friend Butterscotch Bill Jr
Talk about a Beardie makeover! Not sure I've seen a dog shaved down that close before! Y'all did an awesome job with Gypsy! Wow!