Wednesday, October 20, 2010

As Promised

Here are some shots of the sweetest southern boy you'd ever want to meet!
"Hi y'all, this is me travlin to the Lady's"

Sound asleep

"Howdy Neighbor, darn nice to meet ya"

"Say What?"

"Darn man I got a big ol' nose"

"Dag-nab it and by golly I like it here"

As you can see Shea really needs to put on some weight, so I'm proud to report that he ate three times today.  For dinner I added a tablespoon of plain yogurt on all three of the dogs kibble and everyone was very happy about that.  
On our evening walk I made every attempt to have Shea walk next to Jake, who is doing his best to play big bad dog to our very submissive guest.  Jake and I have had a few words about this.  I'm hoping by having them walk next to each other it will help form a bond.  If this bad boy behavior continues I will contact my dog guru Gretchen and see what she advises....bummer.  I need to stay calm and assertive with Jake, with lots of praise for good behavior and a firm hand with the bad.  Mollie and Shea are getting along very well.  
I go back to work tomorrow, my neighbor Robbie is going to stop my after school and let the dogs out.  Shea will be in his crate and I think it will be helpful if he gets a break and gets outside.  
Shea continues to impress me, he is a very easy dog to train and he now is taking cookie treats from my hand.  I will start working on "Sit" "Down" and "Stay" next....we'll keep you posted!
The Lady 

1 comment:

  1. what a beautiful boy! looking forward to following his progress on your blog.
    -- Rebecca & Gypsy
