Tuesday we received an email from our friend Shelly of Fluffy Dog Fostering at Grade Lodge, she had been to the dog park, it was 8 degrees, no wind and the sun was out......she inspired me to take Mollie and Jake out for a run. I was so tried of walking down the roads and coming back with slush covered dogs! So I dressed up in my warm hiking gear and off we went. It was actually warm in the sun, it was beautiful out.
As I hiked and watched Molz and Jake move together in such a beautiful harmony I realized that we need this time to reestablish our pack. Fostering takes my attention from them, yes they are balanced dogs that open their home to new dogs that need things from us, and they give as much as I do, but............
Mollie as taken to lying next to me on the love seat......something she never really did....she gets too warm, she is very independent and usually likes to lie on the sofa. But after Gypsy left she claimed the spot. I find myself sitting in the middle of the love seat, with Jake on one side and Mollie on the other so we can all have time together.
As I hiked through the woods and fields completely free to let my thoughts roam......there was no foster to keep a close watch on......I really enjoyed the freedom, I embrased how truly great we are together, our rhythm, our understanding for each others signals and our pure joy of just being the pack....
Mollie Maie
Jake Ryan
The Odd Couple
Heading down the trail
Mollie and Jake are such great dogs, I know they accepted Gypsy, Rudy and Bella in our pack; they like it when Jessie comes to visit.........but at the end of the day the others come and go, they always, somehow, understand that we are the base, we are the pack. This was our life and we love it.
The Lady
Very happy that Gypsy has found her home. Sounds like she is in for a great life. Charlie is meeting a family tomorrow. I have good feelings about them and I think this may be it. Keeping fingers crossed. When Max left,
ReplyDeletemy dogs were outside. So when they came in, Max was gone. Kasey searched for him for days.
ok.question...Do you think this was a mistake? or should I let my dogs see the foster leave? You know.say goodbye? Please give me your thoughts on this. thanks
I will keep my fingers crossed for Charlie...I hope this is the right fit for all. When Bella left, Mollie, Jake and I drove her up to her new home...she stayed we left. I took Easton to his new home by myself...Easton & I left, I came back alone....With Gyps We all went for a walk together, the new Mom walked Gyps, when we came back Jake & Mollie came inside and in their crates as they where wet, Gypsy stayed outside. When they came out of their crates she was gone. I would let them have time together, if not too cold maybe a walk. The New Mom suggested this, a transition for her to take the leash with me along....it seamed to work. Jake & Mollie looked for her....but just for a short time. I can't explain it but they seam to understand they are here with us to learn something, to stay somewhere, then the will be gone. Max was a baby, maybe that is why. Try the walk even if it is 15 minutes let your dogs see that someone else is walking Charlie, bonding with him.