Today Gypsy is still mine....So I wanted to share some new photo's of the last few days of our journey together.........
I finally remembered to have someone take a photo of how I watch TV.
Aubree took this for us, I will keep it forever...
You have your fluffy blanket
I have mine.
Aubree took this one too, sleeping through the boring stuff on TV!
Tomorrow, Gypsy's Forever Lady will come with Gypsy's new Breadie Brother to meet her, but today she is still mine......I've been thinking about how far we have come.....all of us......Gypsy not only touched me, but the rest of my amazing Pride/Pack....she is a wonderful soul to have in your home and in your heart!
Gypsy today, just brushed, looking Beardie Beautiful
My Loving Little Angle

Take the fricken picture Lady
Do you think we can set her all day??????

Getting these guys all together was FUN!
But just to prove it to my self I got them all together in two separate poses
I am the Dog Whisper!!!!!

The Lady
What great pictures! I am so very excited to meet Gypsy tomorrow! I promise we will stay in touch and send pictures and updates.
what well behaved dogs you have!! too bad your kids turned out like they did! 'ust yoking muzz! great photos!