Saturday, October 10, 2009

The Great Experiment

Thing are much better between Gypsy and I today. I took all three dogs for a walk in the neighborhood this morning and everything went great. She actually slept in until 8:00 without barking at cats.

The Problem

Each fall and spring my yard turns into a mud track. The dogs run out the door, off the deck and in to the yard in approximately the same place all the time. Once in the yard they venture all around, but they have the path, the track to get there. Sound familiar?

After all the rain in the last few days it is really bad, they are killing the grass, what is left of it and as all dog owners are aware; muddy paws, wiping them off, muddy bellies, wiping them more then a challenge it is a job. Now times 3 dogs is 12 paws, 12 legs and 3 bellies!
I have mopped the kitchen 9 thousand times. Once in, and wiped down they must "crate" to dry off, but still, come on, you know it is crazy. Jake is like a giant sponge.

The Experiment

Today I went to a local farm and purchased 2 large bales of straw. I then spread this out all over the path, the track, the yard. If it doesn't help with mud, the dogs think it is great to run and play in. Even Gypsy was playing and I have never seen Gypsy play. She was chasing Jake around and around the yard with Mollie in hot pursuit. Jake was doing his infamous jumps and turns in the air then rolling around in the straw with Mollie and Gypsy fighting him down. I laid on the new straw path and just laughed at the game.

Now I didn't say this was the best plan, as the straw in hanging off of Jake making him resemble the Scarecrow from Wizard of Oz, but it is a plan. I will keep you posted; was this is a great plan or if it turns out to be the great experiment gone wrong.
The Lady

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