Today I drove to Hartland and had the greatest pleasure to meet a remarkable dog...Seamus who I call Shea.
Shea is a dream boat even though he has been through a lot in the last week. Last Thursday he was neutered; the Vet in Alabama made the decision to remove his dew claws, they told us that they were growing in a circle. Jake has two paws that the dew claws due this, and I will admit if they are not watched and clipped they are painful. I wasn't there, I didn't see it but the results are sad to see. The switches will come out in a about 10 days.
Then after the double surgery this poor sweet guy was put into transport up to us. I read the email and saw the list there were 15 legs to this transport 9 hours each day for two days. That means 15 different volunteers drove these dogs with an overnight in the Indianapolis area where even more volunteers met the car(s) took strange dogs into their homes, feed them, watered them, walked them and put them up for the have to admit this is amazing!
Shea arrived in Hartland Sunday. He stayed at the Doggie Day Care in Hartland until I could get there today.
This guy is so sweet and easy to be with, he was great in the car, sleep most of the way, looked out the windows the rest of the time. When I arrived in Wonder Lake I always introduce my fosters to my pack at my neighbors Terri and Rob's. Terri and Rob are not only great neighbors, they are wonderful dog people. Today as always Terri and two of her teenage kids, Robbie and Shelby took Shea, he was open and friendly with them. Shelby is 13, she took Shea round the front of the house and set on the front porch with him. I ran home and got a very excited and happy to see me Molls and Jake. We went up to Terri's and let them run around the fenced backyard until they calmed down. Robbie took Jake's leash and Terri had Moll's Shelby walked Shea into the yard. My dogs where on sit / wait command we let Moll greet Shea first, then Jake. The all met very politely with their smelling and circling dog rituals then everyone just started to move around Terri's yard freely.
After about 10 minutes of getting to know yous......I took off with all three on leash for the two mile loop! Shea is a dream on leash, he followed behind with very encouraging "Comes" when ever he would stop...strange noises, barking dogs, kids on bikes, but I never had to pull him. He would just come, he walks proudly with his tail up and his head high. Whenever he would pace in front of me a VERY gentle tug on the leash and he was right back in heal. I keep repeating "Good Dogs....Good Dogs" softly....when it was time to smell the side of the road he appeared to pick up quickly on the command "OK" . When a car would pass my command is "Over" to the side of the road...then "Wait" as we all four stand and let the car pass. I can not believe he has never been trained, he is so easy and a natural!
When we got home I introduced him to our backyard, we walked around with Jake and Molls. He comes when he is called with very little effort on my part! Cat Man Dew, my large very friendly male cat jumped the fence and was following along with me, Shea smelled him and they where fine friends! He hung out in the yard with Molls and they started some very cute jumps and play. I had brought Jake in with me to let him bond with Molls first...female / male. After about 15 minutes I invited Shea into the house...he never hesitated just walked right in sniffed around this and sniffed around that, he met Gem and Phinn two more of the cats. Once again this was open and friendly, had a nice long drink from the communal water dish and then he curled up on the sofa and took a rest for about 30 minutes.
At dinner time I put Shea and Molls outside while I made the 5 inside/outside cats and the 7 Farrel cats dinner, got them all feed and invited the dogs back in. Jake and Molls went to their regular places in front of the fireplace for their dinner and I tried to feed Shea in the kitchen, but he wasn't interested in anything much going on I guess. He is also not interested in the dog cookies, but I have had fosters do this before.
Shea will sit with very little coaching from me, I simply raise my hand flat with the palm toward him while saying "Sit" move my hand over his head, about 6 to 10 inches and down he goes into a slow sit. Ta Dum!
This evening they have all three been outside two or three times, they all three come in together as the pack they are becoming.....they come in and find a spot and lay down and take a nap.
As I write, Shea is in his crate, I just asked him to go in and lay down. Jake is in his crate and Molls is in her favorite place...under the day bed in the office......Jake and Shea's crate doors are open....Jake was in Shea's crate for a few minutes and Shea was laying next to the day bed. When Shea started licking on his back leg switches I told him "No Shea...Quit" That's when I got up, Jake moved out of Shea's crate and I asked Shea to go in a lay down....he did, no hesitation no tom foolery just one good dog!
So readers first day and I'm impressed big time! Shea is smart, willing, loving and he is going to be a dream to train. I'm off again tomorrow so we will get in a good long walk, maybe even a car ride with all three in the truck. This guy is not
going to be a great dog...he
is a great all he needs is a home!
NOTE: I left my camera at Terri's, I will get it in the morning and have some new pictures up for all of you.
The Lady.